Julie is an award-winning artist and designer specialising in enhancing school environments to maximise student and staff performance. Julie transforms dull, lifeless spaces into exciting and inspiring places which boost students and teachers morale and their working environment.
The problem
Julie was transforming spaces for quiet some time on a part time basis. She had been working full time as a secondary school art teacher but wanted to turn this part time transformation work into her full time business.
Julie wanted a strong visual brand that would be memorable, make her stand out and create impact.
Image courtesy of Julie Potter.

I created a visual brand for Julie based on this Julie the Genie character that was born during this creative process. During our discovery session, Julie told me that when she is really concentrating, in her creative mode, she tilts her head to one side and squints her eyes. She said “it’s like I go into a trance and nothing can break that concentration”. I loved this idea and wanted the Julie the Genie character to reflect this aspect of Julie’s personality, that is unique to Julie.
Treetop Studio created a main brand identity, brand board and visual language for the brand. All these elements used together creates a unique, consistent and bold brand.